Debbie Had A Gang Bang.

Last year, my husband Rich had to go to Miami on business. He was supposed to be gone for a couple of days, but he called me the night he was supposed to come home with a bullshit story about having to take a client to a basketball playoff game and staying for the weekend. Rich and I got married in 1989 at the Lutheran Church. Neither of us is particularly religious, but when we got married we agreed that we both wanted a traditional lifestyle which included a faithful marriage. We both wanted kids and we were both tired of the string of non committed relationships we had been involved in before we found each other.

Our marriage was great for the first several years. We were inseparable. We were best friends and enjoyed an active and exciting sex life. Things began to change a couple of years ago. We were both to blame. I was immersed in a home business I started, and Rich was spending a lot of time at the office. I was pretty sure Rich had been cheating on me. He got real protective of his cell phone, never leaving it unattended. He had the bill sent to his office and he started staying out regularly and coming home smelling like perfume and pussy.

His interest in me started to decline and I was too busy to care. When I began to suspect that Rich was fucking other women, it made me angry. I had always had lots of opportunities to cheat and never even gave it a second thought. Rich and I both had lots of lovers before getting married, but we had promised each other in the beginning that we would always be faithful. Over the years we had gone to a swing club a couple of times and also swapped with one of his college buddies and his wife when they came to visit one weekend.

I thought the swing club thing was a good way to keep things spicy and introduce some variety without getting emotionally involved with anyone. Rich was very uncomfortable with swinging though. I was never sure why and his vibe was so weird about it that I stopped suggesting it after a few times. Rich has put on a lot of weight over the years and I think he is just self conscious about his body. I tried to reassure him, pointing out that many of the other men at the swing club had beer bellies or weren't exactly stud muffins.
I have had a fantasy for years of being taken by a group of men. Rich had encouraged my fantasy before we actually went to the swing club. But after we went there and it became obvious that it would be real easy to make that fantasy come true, he didn't want to talk about it anymore. I stopped sharing that fantasy, but I didn't stop thinking about it. There is an adult bookstore nearby and I went there with a girlfriend one night and bought an x rated DVD that was about a bored housewife being taken by a group of 8 men. I hid it in my dresser and never let Rich know that I have it. But I have probably watched that DVD at least 100 times over the last two years.

The night that Rich said he was staying in Miami and going to the basketball game was a turning point. I had been online all afternoon looking at porn and thinking about being fucked by a group of hard horny guys. I was actually looking forward to Rich getting home and fucking me. I had teased my clit to the point of orgasm several times and kept denying myself the orgasm. I got online and checked to see what time the basketball game was supposed to start, and then I blocked our number and called Rich's cell phone. I didn't think he would answer, but he did. There was no loud stadium noise in the background, just the panting of a female. That fucker! I just hung up the phone without saying anything.

A guy I had been chatting with for awhile instant messaged me. Greg lived nearby and he wanted to fuck me badly, but I didn't let it go any farther than dirty talk and exchanging pictures. It was only a fantasy for me; I had no intention of actually meeting him. That night though I decided that I was going to do something. I wasn't sure what, but I was determined to be naughty.

I had shared my fantasy with Greg about being taken by a group of guys. I told Greg that my husband wasn't coming home until Sunday and that I was planning to get a sitter and go out. Greg suggested that we go to the swing club that I had told him about. He had always wanted to go to a swing club, but never had a willing partner, and single guys aren't very welcome at most clubs. His timing was perfect. I agreed to meet him at a bar that was near the swing club in an hour. I called the babysitter and put on a sexy short dress and high heels.

When I got to the bar, I found Greg at the bar drinking martinis. Greg wasn't exactly my type, he was overweight and balding, but I already knew that. He had been honest in his description and he had sent me a couple of recent pictures. I liked Greg because of his honesty and openness and he also had a sense of humor and a vivid imagination. Greg greeted me with a big hug and a sweet kiss on the cheek. He told me he was very nervous and intended to pound down a couple more martinis before we went to the club.

I warned him not to go overboard or little Greg might get shy later on, but he pulled a little blue pill out of his pocket and told me he had that covered as he popped it into his mouth. I ordered a lemon drop martini and turned so Greg could get a good look down my low cut top.

I had called the swing club to make sure they were having a party that night and also to make sure we could get in. Donna the hostess remembered me even though Rich and I hadn't been there in over three years. I told her that I was planning to bring a new friend and that I needed to be discreet about that. People in the swing scene are pretty good about discretion and you never have to worry about being judged.

I left my car at the bar and drove to the club with Greg. We made out in the car for a bit before heading out. His hands were all over me, touching by erect nipples while kissing me. His hands made their way up my thighs and he was surprised to find out I wasn't wearing any panties. I let him rub my wet pussy lips before pushing his hand back. I fondled his Viagra engorged cock through his dockers. I told him I would take him in my throat for everyone to see when we got to the swing club.

Greg had asked me a lot of questions about the swing club before we left the bar. He was anxious and enthusiastic about going, but I could tell he was nervous. I told him it was a very laid back atmosphere and the people were generally very friendly and relaxed. Donna greeted us at the door and we paid a small cover charge to get in. There are several rooms at that club, one is a bar with several stools, a jukebox, and a couple of comfortable couches. No nudity or sex is allowed in that room. There is a hot tub room, a large group sex room that is basically a huge room with a bunch of mattresses on the floor, and several smaller rooms with locks on the door that are for smaller private encounters.

There were at least 15 couples at the club when we arrived and 3 or 4 single females. I didn't recognize anyone except Donna and her husband. Donna sat with Greg and I and I told her that this was the first time Greg had ever been to a swing club and Greg volunteered that he was nervous. I told Donna that I really wanted to live out a fantasy tonight because I didn't know if I would ever have the chance again. I shared my fantasy with Donna and her husband. They weren't surprised and told me that lots of women had lived out a gang bang fantasy in the group room. Soon the word had spread around the room that I wanted to be gang fucked by as many of the men that were willing to participate and I was quickly becoming the center of attention.

Donna's husband suggested that I might like to have a blindfold put on before he led me into the group room and undressed me in front of everyone. I readily agreed. They stood me up and placed a blindfold around my eyes and tied it securely behind my head. I was led by the hand down the hall to the group room. It was warm in there and despite some air freshener, I could smell the scent of sex and sweat. I could hear the people entering the room and taking positions surrounding me. Donna was whispering in my ear that if things got too intense or uncomfortable for me to let her know and she would come to my rescue. All the while Donna and her husband were undressing me.

I was guided down to the mattress covered floor and placed on all fours. I could see a little light coming in from the bottom of the blindfold but I couldn't see anything. My heart was racing. I felt vulnerable and a little scared, but I was also amazed and thrilled that I was actually going to make my fantasy come true. I didn't feel the least bit of shame. I felt several pairs of hands exploring my totally exposed body. I could sense someone kneeling down in front of me. A strong pair of hands pulled the back of my head forward into his thick hard cock. I took him into my mouth and tried to take his huge cock into my throat but the angle was too high. He pushed my head down onto his cock and the head of his cock was pressed against the back of my throat and I began to gag and struggle for a breath. At the same time I was being rolled onto my back and my legs were being spread. All the while the cock stayed in my mouth and now the angle was better to enter my throat. My pussy was being entered by another hard cock. My hands explored warm bodies and I had a cock in each hand. I tried to count the number of hands exploring my body. My head was spinning with the sounds, smells and sensations. I could hear the guys talking about how to properly share me so that everyone who wanted to participate was able to fully enjoy me. They began to take up rotating positions, starting with their cock in my hand, then moving to my pussy, before finishing in my mouth. The systematic gang fucking proceeded for over an hour. I had at least five explosive orgasms and counted 9 ejaculations in my mouth. Donna came over with tissues every few minutes to clean me up and she brought me some bottled water at one point. My legs were so sore by the end of the ordeal that I couldn't move. I just laid there and fell asleep with the blindfold still on. I woke up a little while later with Greg lying next to me. He told me how awesome it was to watch all those guys fuck me. I asked him if he had taken a turn and he said that he had not only fucked me, but two of the wives who were in the room watching.

Greg later told me that every single guy at the club had put their cock in my pussy at least once. Some of them had already left by the time I was back on my feet so I was never completely sure of the exact number, but I know it was at least 15.
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