Sex Stories - Hardcore
On the Ferry to Friday Harbor
Silkie asked me to drive her to the ferry in Anacortes, so that she could visit her friend, Leo. On the way to the ferry, she told me about him. " Leo was my lover, when I first moved to Bellingham, before I met you, before I met Chris. I've told you about other guys who treated me like shit, but Leo isn't one of those guys. I don't know if he likes me as much as I like him, but he was always really nice, really funny. I met him when I went in to get my guitar fixed. He had this little shop, down by the water, where he fixed instruments, and where he made those wonderful banjos?" " He is in Friday Harbor now. His brother is a blacksmith. Leo works there sometimes, but mostly he is making banjos, singing in the coffee house there, giving banjo ... Read More»
My Friends Screw My Mom
Hi I am David and I am 25 years old. I still live with my family and I am the only child. My dad is always abroad because of his work and our house is very big and I didn't need to have my own house so I live in that big house with my 45 years old mom. Last year I started to go to gym and I made friends. Their names were Jack and Paul, we are all the same age but they are much taller and more muscular than me because they have been going to the gym for a much longer time. I found them really fun and they loved me too so I became their new friend. We became closer friends and I started to invite them to my house. My mom was also joining us when we were doing something together like watching movies and chatting. One day Jack invited me to his house, he wasn't ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %94 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: DavidTheJacker 1016 days ago | Categories: Group Sex, Hardcore, Mature
First time made me a slut.
A true story of my first time.. The first time i went out dressed. I went to a bookstore in east Portland. As I got out of my car feeling the breeze up under my very short silky skirt, trying to pull it down as cars were wizzing by. I walked or should I say wobbled the half block to the door. I opened the door and walked towards an older man behind the counter who had put down his book and was smiling at me. What can I get you beautiful" He asked? I blushed at the compliment and his smile got wider. I pulled a five dollar bill from my purse and asked for tokens. There were four men scattered in the store and all had turned to watch me come in and walk to the counter, and when I asked for tokens three of the men headed through the arch that said arcade ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %97 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: tyedyesissy 1877 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
In the Car
Recuerdo que un día fuimos a una fiesta de la amiga de mi esposa Valerie ese día en cuanto la mire y mire como iva vestida luego luego me alboroto entonces ya llegamos ala fiesta y comimos y yo mirándola y en mi mente desia ay mami horita vas a ver cómo te va a ir cabrona ella igual coqueteandome y mas me gustaba entonces llegamos al carro nos parqueamos y le dije y que hoy no va aver y ella me contesto si traes ganas y solo Le dije ira y agarrándome el pito y diciéndole “lo e traído parado todo el día” después ella se fue para atrás del carro parándome las nalgas entonces le di una nalgada ya después me senté y le dije mamamelo ella se puso agatas parando su nalguitas y empezó a chuparlo me encanta verla agatas pero ya después la agarre me subí arriba de ella ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %167 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Feos21 2514 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
20 Years of Infidelity
Just over 20 years ago I was married to a great guy only 8 months after meeting him. I was 23 and he was 44. We met at work where I was a part-time office temp. My above average height and slender build caught his eye and he wasn't bad looking either. Some of the girls in the office told me he'd come sniffing around their skirts so I figured our relationship was purely sexual. I wasn't a virgin by any stretch of the imagination going into our relationship. Our sex was great and satisfying. He was born into money and had the means to wine and dine me like no other boyfriend had before. Surprised the hell out of me that he proposed marriage and I'm not sure to this day if I loved him then. Maybe it was the money, maybe because I was lonely, but I did know I had fun ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %188 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: cme2bleve 2558 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, Mature, First Time
My First Taste of Cock!
When my ex lover discovered that I enjoyed being fingered in my ass, One night she invited her e.x husband over without me knowing it. She and I started our freaky, fun sex thing and he was in another room. I noticed that our freaky fun was a little different tonight as she kept hinting around to me that watching me suck a cock would be one of the greatest gifts I could give her. She is 13yrs older than me and owned alot of sex toys and very serious! She handed me a big nice life like dildo and told me to suck it, for practice and to see how it would feel. So I did and she got real hot! She started lubing my asshole and stroking my dick. I had to admit that as she eased her finger in there and started rubbing my prostate that I was getting hot too! I actually ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %207 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: cockednready73 2655 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, Mature, First Time
Erotic story
test erotic story Read More»
On the Highway
After the breakfast, I looked out the window and I thought about making a little trip. I put on something, grabbed some clothes together and drove with the car direction nowhere. At a resting place I stopped to test the sanitary facilities. As I ran again towards the car came a car at a very fast pace. I jumped to the side, otherwise I would have stuck at the mirror. The car stopped and two older, well-dressed ladies came to ask me for my good. I joked and said that I am not very well. We talked for a while and I said you had to do something good. Both agreed and asked me how this might look. After a few brief reflections, we became very hot on each other. There were some hidden corners at the Rasthof. One of the two had her nipples flashing. When we felt ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %119 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2789 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
Forbidden Love
The morning started again wonderfully. Bruce came into the bedroom and told me in the snappy tone that I should not leave the house today, as he had important calls to expect and I should receive them. Oh what a great morning, I thought to myself and jerked me in the bed. As I already hated this day, I walked through my head as I squirmed out of bed. Again, one of those days full of aggression and stress, I went to the kitchen and made a coffee, since Alina, my daughter was still asleep and Bruce was out of the house, I let a nice warm bath run in and hoped that would make me happier again Would vote. I took off my t-shirt and looked at my body in the mirror. For how long this body had not managed any ecstasies and touches of a man. I gently stroked my ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %110 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2789 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
He came home tired from work and only wanted to go to bed and sleep. But then grabbed him, as every day the addiction and he had to charge the computer and go to the Internet to look for e-mails. Unfortunately no one had written him. Disappointed, he turned the calculator off and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Just as he had sunk, the phone rang. ‘Man,’ he thought a little irritably, ‘why do people always call when I am standing in the shower?’ He picked up the receiver and announced with a not quite friendly “Yes?” And at the other end of the line a soft voice of the woman was heard, which chased him a pleasant shudder: she wanted to speak to a Heinrich, But the sexy voice made his mood turn around immediately, and he wondered in seconds ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %64 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2789 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
Horny Work colleague
We got to know each other as work colleagues, I never thought it would be a sexual relationship. It came down to the fact that we saw more and more often, we telephoned also very much. Every day we wrote notes to get real letters. One day, Susan made breakfast, we phoned once again and she said I should come to her. Of course I went straight to her. We were both "shy", we talked a little until she sat down beside me on the couch. At some point she began to knudddle me and we started to cudge for the first time. She was really horny and began to breathe very briefly and jerks, she hitched properly! Certainly I could have already at her time. We went to the bedroom, she took off my shirt and began to massage me tenderly, first with her ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %98 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2858 days ago | Categories: Hardcore
Inzestgeschichte Geschieden
Vor einigen Wochen lernte ich durch Zufall zwei nette Frauen kennen: Sie hatten abends auf einer kaum befahrenen Landstraße eine Motorpanne. Ich hielt an und bot ihnen an, sie in die nächste Stadt mitzunehmen. Gern willigten beide ein. Die ältere schätzte ich auf Anfang bis Mitte Dreißig, die jüngere mochte etwa 15 Jahre sein. Beide trugen knappe Shorts, Turnschuhe und hautenge Tops, die bei beiden gut gefüllt waren. Wie ich mit einem Blick feststellte, verzichteten beide auf einen BH – den hatten sie auch nicht nötig. Wie sich herausstellte, handelte es sich um Mutter und Tochter, die in der Gegend Urlaub machen wollten. Die Mutter war frisch geschieden, wie sie mir blinzelnd erzählte, und genoß mit ihrer Tochter die wiedergewonnene Freiheit. Ich hoffte, daß ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %201 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2955 days ago | Categories: Anal, Group Sex, Hardcore
Sex im Krankenhaus
Wegen einer Blinddarmreizung kam ich letztes Jahr ins Krankenhaus. Zum Glück war es aber falscher Alarm, es brauchte nicht operiert zu werden. Ich sollte aber trotzdem ein paar Tage zur Beobachtung da bleiben. Nach 22 Uhr kam dann die Nachtschwester, eine etwa 35 jährige schlanke Frau, schwarze Haare und ganz hübsch. Sie gab mir etwas zu trinken, dann schlief ich sofort ein. Nach etwa einer Stunde wachte ich auf. Ich öffnete die Augen und sah die Nachtschwester, die auf meinem Bett saß. Ich wollte etwas sagen, doch es kam kein Ton heraus. Dann wollte ich meine Hände bewegen, was aber auch nicht ging. Sie hatte mir während ich schlief, einen Knebel in den Mund gesteckt, und meine Hände am Bett angeschnallt. Nun lag ich hier vollkommen wehrlos. Ich zappelte ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %91 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2955 days ago | Categories: Fetish, Hardcore
Es war mal wieder einer dieser heißen Tage und der Schweiß glitzerte auf meiner heißen Haut. Ich lag, wie nun schon seit fast zwei Wochen jeden Tag, in der Sonne und versuchte ein wenig braun zu werden, was mir aber nur mit mäßigem Erfolg gelang. Ich ließ meine Gedanken schweifen. Plötzlich taucht ein Schatten vor meinem Gesicht auf, ich blinzelte durch meine Augen und sah in ein Gesicht wie aus Elfen-bein gemacht. Dann hörte ich eine sinnliche Stimme, die mich fragte: „Würdest du mir bitte meinen Rücken eincremen?“ Zaghaft nahm ich ihr die Flasche aus der Hand und bat sie sich auf das Handtuch zu legen. Langsam legte sie sich auf das Handtuch und wartete auf meine verführerischen Hände, die langsam an ihrem Körper hinunter glitten. Langsam öffnete ich die ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %89 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2985 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, First Time
Mein Abenteuer in Munich
Wie schon erwähnt: als freier TV-Produzent kommt man viel herum. Und wenn man wie ich sich zu beiden Geschlechtern hingezogen fühlt, dann kann man auch sexuell viel Abwechslung haben und vor allem viel erleben. Eines meiner geilsten Sex-Abenteuer erzähle ich jetzt hier. es passierte mir vor einem Jahr in Deutschlands zweitmächtigster Medien-Stadt, in München. Und es passierte mir mit meiner damals 17jährigen Praktikantin und das auch noch per Zufall. Ich saß in einem Café in der Schellingstraße, nibbelte so an meinem Espresso, als ich dachte: Hey, das kann doch nicht sein! »Hey, was machst’n du hier?« zirpte ein süßes Mädchen in mein Ohr. Ich erschrak und spuckte fast den halben Mokka aus. »Könnte ich dich auch fragen!« entgegnete ich. Martina (so ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %105 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 3012 days ago | Categories: Anal, Hardcore