Sex Stories - Fetish
Blacken Sue part 1
Blacken Sue part 1 The wife and I had moved to one of those developments where you have to be fifty-five plus to move in. You live in a garden home with a small yard. It is a gated community with a golf course, pool, walking trails and a country club. Did I mention the golf course? I am sixty-five and my wife is sixty. I love playing golf. The wife loves staying active by walking. swimming and is a card shark. Looking at her you would not think she is that active but she is. Sue, my wife, carries a little extra weight which to me looks fine. Thick thighs, ass a little big and a pair of large fat sagging breasts which rest upon her round belly. She is a little wrinkled and has gray hair. But she has no problem catching the attention of men, seems like ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %115 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: whimpycat 578 days ago | Categories: Fetish, Interracial
A nudists tale !! F(i)KK !!
A while ago, I went home to visit my home country (If you know me or have read my postings, you'll know where thats at !) As now a days I am only a visitor, naturally I stay with my volks and cant really be myself or live our lifestyle !! However when I still lived in my country I used to enjoy to go to open air nudist swinger parties and nudist camping sites and basically all kinds of nudist happenings and venues!! So after being with my volks all week and being the good son I decided, to take the weekend off and be myself, party a little and what better place to do that legitimately, than at a nudist camping site. The camp site was about 25 kilometers away and almost impossible to reach by public transportation. Since I dont have a car and didnt want to ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %131 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: call1972 738 days ago | Categories: Fetish, Group Sex, Masturbation
Fuck my tits, cum on my nipples
There’s nothing that makes me cum harder than good, hard nipple play. I absolutely love having my tits played with and can cum easily (and over and over) just from nipple play. If someone shows interest in my boobs, if I catch them looking at them, I can’t help it, my nipples get hard. When someone notices that and I can see it is making them aroused, I can instantly feel my juices flowing, sometimes soaking my panties – if I’m wearing any… In crowds if I feel comfortable or naughty I’ll rub my rock hard nipples against someone until I cum, it doesn’t take much. If they play along and touch them, I cum hard and always inspired to return the favor. You can see how hard my nipples get when they get attention, clearly visible through my clothes. I love the ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %62 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: eroticanarchy 952 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Masturbating to orgasm on the night train
I took the night train in a shared car and started to get really aroused thinking about the strangers around me. It was a little scary, being so close to someone – a good looking guy to be sure, but if he wasn’t comfortable with someone cumming hard just over him, there really wasn’t any place to go. It was a bit high stakes, but that just added to the pleasure. This was shot in the night train’s night light mode, no additional light, so the pictures have a lot of noise, but you can clearly see what I’m doing, how hard my nipples get – clearly visible even in the dark, and how deep my hand went into my pussy as I started to cum. At first I was a little uncomfortable, and just slipped my tits out of my top and started playing with my nipples – once my ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %55 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: eroticanarchy 952 days ago | Categories: Fetish, Masturbation, Voyeur
At the drive=in Movie 1963 with Sylvia
Sylvia and her friends at the drive-in 1963 . Judy and I made a lot more love. We had had more sex than most people do in ten years. Rachel and Judy and I had a lot of sex over the next year until she left for New York, but my mother and Cecil and I...never again. She wouldn't even talk to me about it till years later. I was eighteen...there were only two ways I could go after fucking my mother, I cold become celibate or be a whore., I decided I had out to see where it would go. I didn't have sex with anybody, not Judy, not Rachel, not anybody except my hand for about a month after it all happened. Mom was acting as if nothing had happened at all, which pissed me off. I didn't know know what she was supposed to do, but ignoring the sex and ignoring me was not ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %52 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: milkbone1 998 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Sweaty pleasure with David
Although this adventure happened many years ago, I still remember it like yesterday. I was 25yo and my boyfriend David just 20yo. We were just first month together and I loved my younger boy more and more. One day I finally told David about thing what arouses me so much. I knew David likes to exercise and also saw him few times after hard exercise, all tired and sweaty. I even masturbated few times while imagine petting his sexy body while he is all sweaty and finally once told him what I want to try with him. David wasn't against so we made a plan. We'll go for a weekend to David's parents cottage in nature where David and his sister have an exercise bike. I felt such aroused, imagine how wild and natural will be his pretty body pouring sweat and finally ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %121 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Patrik3838 2334 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Erotic story
test erotic story Read More»
Lady doctor
(Однажды, моя Госпожа врач - хирург в поликлинике) взяла меня с собой на прием. Я был раздет догола, помещен под ее стол и привязан за член веревкой, конец которой находился в руках Госпожи. Прием начался. Во время бесед с пациентами и выписки рецептов, Госпожа, дергая за веревку, заставляла меня ласкать языком и губами ее туфельки, ножки, влагалище и клитор. Один пациент чем-то разозлил Госпожу, и она придавила мои гениталии туфлей к полу... я застонал, за что получил удар ногой в лицо и замолк. Повернув меня под столом спиной к себе, Госпожа ввела каблук своей туфельки мне в задний проход и около получаса, не прекращая вести прием трахала меня этим каблуком. Я кусал от боли губы, моя попа разрывалась от железной набойки на каблуке, мой член, стянутый ... Read More»
Sex im Krankenhaus
Wegen einer Blinddarmreizung kam ich letztes Jahr ins Krankenhaus. Zum Glück war es aber falscher Alarm, es brauchte nicht operiert zu werden. Ich sollte aber trotzdem ein paar Tage zur Beobachtung da bleiben. Nach 22 Uhr kam dann die Nachtschwester, eine etwa 35 jährige schlanke Frau, schwarze Haare und ganz hübsch. Sie gab mir etwas zu trinken, dann schlief ich sofort ein. Nach etwa einer Stunde wachte ich auf. Ich öffnete die Augen und sah die Nachtschwester, die auf meinem Bett saß. Ich wollte etwas sagen, doch es kam kein Ton heraus. Dann wollte ich meine Hände bewegen, was aber auch nicht ging. Sie hatte mir während ich schlief, einen Knebel in den Mund gesteckt, und meine Hände am Bett angeschnallt. Nun lag ich hier vollkommen wehrlos. Ich zappelte ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %91 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2949 days ago | Categories: Fetish, Hardcore
Milking my wife Angelique's huge tits
Milking my Wife Angelique’s big tit’s... I put her big tit’s on a real dairy cow milking machine and milked her dumb ass bone dry....... My dumb ass wife Angelique always tried to please me from the very first day we met no matter what it was in everyway she could, to show me how much she “so called” really loved and wanted to stay with me. Hell she’d do anything I tell her stupid ass to do, no matter how damn wild it was. I told her the first day we got together how much I liked wild and very damn freaky sex, she was all for it, hell she couldn’t wait to see how far we would take it cause she had lead such a sheltered life, well up until she met me that is. Ha ha ha. She was only 16 when we married and after 2 long years of living with her stupid fat ass ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %164 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: UNDERTAKER919 3789 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Dahska's Trial
As Dahska stepped in front on the ruling lords her legs trembled with fear. Dahska you have broken our most holy laws, The eldest lord spoke with a mighty boom. How do you justify this transgression Dee? Her father the youngest lord by some 400 years trying to make sense of her betrayal. She is a common whore lords that is all, She must be cast out for us to remain pure. Dahska's best friend and the reason she was in this mess spoke for the tribes. The lords in unison We know the laws we made the laws. But what I wonder is your involvement in all this? The lord of the giants whispered. N N Nothing I have no involvement in this case. Ashley assured him She is the one father not me. Dahska's outburst shocked the tribes who started to mummer ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %27 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: evan22 3934 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Waiting For It
It was an ordinary day except for the fact that it was only mid-morning and I was aching for a good hard orgasm. My husband had been out of town for a few days and before that had been my time of the month. It had been a good 10 days since we had a nice rousing session where all the right buttons were pushed and an amazing gasping, moaning, climax was ripped from me. As described in my prior stories, my husband and I enjoy our own flavor of a female led marriage (Nothing more gratifying provides the best background, but all of my stories provide different bits and pieces). In simple terms, for us this means that I decide when, where and how we have sex and my husband is rationed a few orgasms a month with the terms dictated by me. As a result, it's far from ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %28 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MilliArt 3934 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Zante's Violation
Fog rose from the wide river, creeping up and flowing over the containing concrete banks, floating across the city, damply feeling its way into bricks and steel. It became so thick, the illumination from the streetlights quickly became absorbed in a blanketing mist of opaque nothingness. Clammy fingers of haze slithered along sidewalks, crawled up walls and enveloped everything in a moist moment of silence. Space coalesced, sound was muffled and each inanimate object became a world unto itself, isolated in miasmic nightmares. Previously familiar places became unrecognizable. Zante stopped, convinced she could hear something. Suddenly a droning entity of subdued light roared passed. She opened her mouth to shriek, then partially relaxed. It was an ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %20 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Rollon 3934 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Muslim Men Like Strapons Too
The big Black man squealed as the skinny White dude shoved his thick cock up his hairy ass. Nearby on the king-sized bed, a sexy and curvaceous, light-skinned young Black woman fingered her pussy as she watched the hot man-to-man interracial sex. Mistress Sybil Noir smiled to herself as she watched her slave Andrew Jenkins fucking her other slave, Somali stud Ibrahim Sadiq. The short, slender Irishman was fucking the big and tall Somali stud like there was no tomorrow. Ibrahim was screaming like a bitch as he got fucked in the ass, and his screams were music to Mistress Sybil Noir's ears. Nothing turned her on more than male bisexuality, with some domination thrown in. Hours earlier, Mistress Sybil Noir had a tough time talking her favorite guys into fucking ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %20 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Ralf11 3934 days ago | Categories: Fetish
Consuelo's Revelation
As Consuelo sat down on the toilet that morning, she put one hand under her massive belly for support and the other down between her legs. She rubbed at her well-bearded crotch and accidentally slipped a finger into her gaping hole. The downward pressure of her unborn child was beginning to push her apart, but she continued to rub until a torrent of acrid urine came forth. She closed her eyes and let the warm flood wash over her fingers. The bathroom was her main sanctuary these days as her four children screamed and ran around on the other side the door. She tried to screen out the noise the best she could and let her mind wander, but just then her son pounded on the door with the complaint that he had to use the toilet. "Una momento, Mijo!" she replied ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %17 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Marianna 3935 days ago | Categories: Fetish