Sex Stories - Mature - PAGE 31
my mom getting fucked by a black guy
I'm going to tell you a true story that happened to me, it's very embarrassing but I feel that I need to tell it to someone. It's about when a I saw my mom getting fucked by a black guy. My mom is a 42year old woman, originally from Romania. She has very big tits, and I mean really big, I have never seen tits of that size, larger than for example Kim Kardashians (something to compare with), and they are real too. She also has a big nice ass. She is a little chubby with nice shapes, but certainly not very fat. When I came home one day from school much earlier than planned, I went and in to my room, and layed in my bed, and after a while, I heard my mom come home, but it was someone there with her, I heard a man's voice. Quickly I layed under the bed to see what is ... Read More»
$250,000.00 Secret
On my webcam I watched Bethany scratching the lotto ticket with the penny she found in the parking lot. She squinted to read the year. How ironic. 2001, Canada – 1 Cent. The Maple Leaf waving at her. The copper so shiny and new. Untarnished. Leaning back on the sofa she strokes her clit and feels the moisture leak from her pussy down to the rosebud of her sensitive ass... she wonders if that penny had been hidden away these last 9 years? Had she? This penny just had to be lucky. 2001 was the year printed on half her precious belongings. The embroidered bedspread announcing 'two hearts joined in love' draped across the foot of their king sized bed. The needlepoint from her mother in law framed on the living room wall beside another gilded frame holding the ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %10 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: James11 3946 days ago | Categories: Mature
Infidelity Cheating Wife Story
Kelly and Cindy had been friends for many years. Kelly was married to Jack, and Cindy was her only single friend. Cindy was always a little on the wild side kind of sluty, but Kelly adored her. Even though Cindy was somewhat of a whore Kelly with her innocent personality trusted her with her husband. She never expected Jack to take any interest in Cindy, because she was not nearly as attractive as Kelly, and much older. Cindy would often go over to Kelly and Jack's house for evening cocktails. They would all drink heavily to try to escape the monotonous aggravation of their own low paying jobs. Sometimes Cindy would even visit when Kelly was at work, and quite often Cindy and Jack would already be drunk by the time Kelly got home. Cindy confided in me ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %8 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: kristina 3946 days ago | Categories: Mature