Sex Stories - Group Sex - PAGE 3
Houston Hospitality
I don't remember the first time Garrett and I talked seriously about having a threesome. It started out as just joking around. He used to point out guys to me in public and say things like, "I bet you would love to suck his cock." or "Would you fuck him?" When we had sex, he would coax me to talk out loud about wanting to be fucked by another man while he watched. It became a regular part of our lovemaking. The more elaborate and detailed my stories were, the more excited he became. Fantasies about fucking other men or fucking more than one man at the same time were already in my head. Garrett just made me comfortable to express it. The seed was there so-to-speak, he just watered and fertilized it. I met him my freshman year through a friend at college. I ... Read More»
Three For Dinner
I stared at my computer screen in awe. I never had even considered the idea of a threesome, but I was getting wet and squirming in my office chair. Looking at the occupied chairs behind me, I was relegated to squirming - there was no way I could sneak my fingers under the waistband of my pants to take care of the tingling feeling between my labia. A moment later, another message from Sean arrived, describing the scene in his mind: a woman kneeling between my thighs, licking at my clitoris while he sucked on my nipples. I stifled a moan so as not to attract attention from my cubemates, and decided to go for broke. I carefully eased my hand inside my slacks and lightly stroked my clit. Biting my lip and holding my breath, I increased the pressure and duration ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %3 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Melina 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
"Come on in darlin' and have a seat," Leo Coffman said smoothly, "now, what can I do for ya!?!" "Well, Mr. Coffman, I saw your ad in the paper, and I was just wondering if the position was still available?!?" "You mean the ad in the Underground Times," he asked casually!?! "Uh, yes," she replied softly, "is the job still available?!?" "Baby, the job's always available," he replied dryly, "I run that same ad everyday of the year!!!" "Really," she replied incredulously, "you mean that you just give away jobs that pay three hundred dollars a day!?!" "Honey, this is Hollywood," he said gently, "ain't nobody gives nobody nothin', you earn every penny, and ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: lilguy 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
A Long Week
It had been a long week at work and I needed a relaxing weekend and the opportunity to unwind. As I locked the office door and headed downstairs I could feel a familiar wetness in my knickers. I popped my head round the door of his office. "Ready to go?" I asked Rob with my most inviting smile. He grinned back at me, looking as cute as ever and making me blush for no apparent reason other than he was well aware just how much I wanted to fuck him. Shame about his girlfriend. We walked to the car exchanging the usual pleasantries; he was the most polite man I'd ever met. If only he knew how much I wanted him, how I wished he wasn't so restrained. We talked about our plans for the weekend on the way home. Rob didn't have any for that night but I was on my ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Tiina 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
"You are going to let me up, right," said Brian. Becca looked down at him with a mischievous grin, "absolutely." "How long have we known each other, since third grade?" Brian had always cared for Becca. Even when they were funny, skinny kids, their teeth in braces, living next door to each other in the Charleston neighborhood. They had done everything together. They played baseball in T Ball league. They went skinny dipping in the stone quarry when they were ten. They played jacks and skipped rope together. At twelve, they both got grounded, after Brian's Father caught them playing "doctor" in Brian's boyhood tree house. Now, after college graduation and Brian returning to his hometown, they had run into each other in ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %4 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Michael11 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
Sorority Sisters Frolic
He saw her in profile as he turned the corner, his eyes quickly finding the round, heavy forms of her breasts in the lightweight sweater that hugged her torso. She turned her head to gaze in his direction, a sultry look in her eyes, pouting lips moist with gloss, inviting him to approach her. He knew the look, though it had been some time since he'd seen anyone this lovely offering herself on the street. The thought crossed his mind she might be a cop, waiting for a sucker just like him. He drove slowly by, his eyes moving down the length of her well curved body. She followed him with her own eyes as he drove away. It was a risk he wasn't willing to take, not now anyway. He parked farther down the block and walked back toward where the girl had been standing. ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %2 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: TomasLat 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
Allison, Link In A Chain
We hoped it was true. We desperately wanted it to be true. Everyone said that Sarah became unbelievably suggestible and willing to do anything when she'd being smoking pot. This was a party in Alaska. There was a lot of pot going around, we'd seen Sarah take more than one hit. So hoped what they said was true. My name is Allison, and my boyfriend is Eric. Eric's a stud, no two ways about it. Just slightly taller than average, but he's a hockey player and built like a wall of muscles. I loved to massage his body with oil and feel his strength underneath my hands. His pecs, upper arms, and legs were strong enough that we could try a variety of sexual positions and situations not open to other couples where the man couldn't, for instance, hold the woman suspended ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Medusah 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
The Layover Chapter 1
"Last call for Delta Flight 793 to Orlando." I heard it said over the intercom system. I have already missed my flight to Atlanta and could only get a flight out early the next morning. Luckily I do not have to worry about work, I own my own company and called to tell them I would be in tomorrow and to change the interview with a prospective employee to 1pm the following day, I am told that the woman already called and needed to change it for tomorrow as well. Now I am glad that I didn't take the time to put on my business suit an instead opted for comfortable flying attire. My jean shorts and t-shirt fit me snuggly, showing what I want shown in all the right places. I am sure my new sandals will last me a while after the run down to the gate. Well, ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %2 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: caraflower 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
Bachelorette Party
It was two weeks before I was to get married to my long time fiancé Joe. A few of my closest friends wanted to have a little party for me to celebrate my upcoming union. My friends Michelle, Dawn, and Barb took care of all the arrangements. They rented a room at a fancy hotel and bought plenty of booze. I really didn't expect anything quite like the little shindig that unfolded that evening, but the memories will last me a life time. Michelle and Dawn picked me up at my house and Barb was to meet us at the hotel. The girls were dressed nice, and giddy with excitement when they arrived at my place. Dawn, a tall, thin, blonde and Michelle, a short, stocky, brunette they seemed to have little in common, but they were best of friends and got along ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %2 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Halliday 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
Three Men and a Lady
My wife and I had been married for about fifteen years and our sex life had become rather boring. She had asked me one night how I felt about extra-marital sex. I gave it some thought before answering and then told her I thought it might be interesting to watch her with another man. No more was said that night but I could tell it was on her mind. I had been working construction for several months on a job about 70 miles from where we lived and one day, while I was at work, I was asked if I knew anyone who would work as a flag person to direct traffic around the construction site. The upshot was that my wife came to work with me. She was working with an all black pipe crew and had become an instant hit with them. She was in her late thirties and, even ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %4 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Aniriel 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
South of France Slut
Oh, I was young at the time. I had just graduated from college and was doing the backpack thing with my friends through Europe. We had gone down to Greece and Italy and were now in the South of France. We had already gotten past our inhibitions about going topless, and were thinking we were so sophisticated. Poor by the South of France’s standards, but sophisticated. And that’s what got me into trouble. Where my friends were satisfied sitting on the beach and watching the money walk by. I wanted to be a part of that. So off I went, flirting with the men and women on the beach. Asking where the parties were. Asking who was who and trying in a way to fit into the whole scene. Not putting my top on when going to a bar, dressing only in a thin sarong over my thong ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %4 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: TomasLat 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
The Camping Trip
I hated camping. I really did. But Tom and Justin insisted we take an annual trip to the woods, mostly in retaliation for Sarah and me dragging them to the theatre once a year in an attempt to cram some culture into their thick skulls. Considering the fart jokes currently being exchanged between them, it had been a vain attempt. Sarah looked at me and rolled her eyes in commiseration. She hated camping even more than I did. The woman was lost without a hair dryer. “Cheer up, Lee,” Tom said and gave me a sock on the arm. “At least you don’t have to sleep on the ground this year.” Justin and Sarah had purchased the huge, four-door truck we currently rode in, as well as a large, ancient camper shell that seemed determined to tip the truck ... Read More»
Swinging With A Bisexual Couple
This is a story of about the most fun that I’ve had with a couple while single. Before I start, I should say that I am a bisexual male, and really enjoy expressing that part of myself from time to time. Anyway, I had been very sexually inactive for a long while, and found myself perusing the craigslist personals, wondering if they actually worked for anyone, when I found an add asking for a man to help with massaging a posters’ wife. Intrigued, I replied, and found a prompt response, including the longed-for phrase “we are bi friendly”. I soon found myself driving toward a strangers’ house, simultaneously nervous and extremely turned on. I never could quite figure out whether it made me hornier or more calm, knowing that they could turn out to be some sort ... Read More»
Soaked Capture
3am in the morning and the moon appears ominous as Mel walked home, she was a little lit from the party but feeling very relaxed. She passed by this club where a few other young woman in various dress were outside milling about smoking. One of the young women was gazing at her hips and her ass swinging as she passed, thinking of what it was like. A few moments later, as Mel is on another block, she passes a red door. Suddenly, the door opens and two figures surround her, one of the figures wraps their arms around her body so she can’t escape. She squirms and fights as the other figure wraps a blindfold over her eyes and ties a handkerchief in her mouth as a gag so she can’t scream. Continually she squirms as they bind her arms behind her and pull her back ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %2 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: FlyingFly 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex
The Night at the Swing Club
It was a cool evening in April as we drove through the wooded hills of Northern Maryland headed to a club that we had found, joined, and fallen in love with two months ago. Lee and Julie sat in the back seat in identical sexy black party dresses and were whispering back and forth so that I couldn't hear what they were saying over the music playing in the car. So all I could do, while trying not to watch them in the rear view mirror and run off the road, was to think back over what had happened so far that afternoon. Earlier that afternoon I had picked up Julie at the airport and started the one and a half hour drive through rush hour traffic to get her home, I was thrilled to have her here; sitting next to me, as we started what had the potential of a ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %1 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: Eden 3942 days ago | Categories: Group Sex