Sex Stories - First Time - PAGE 2
Wendy the cheating cougar housewife
Wendy the cheating cougar housewife Let me begin my story by telling you a little about myself. I am a white married woman in my early 50’s, fit and athletic, about 5’6 135 with still firm 36c breasts, medium length auburn hair, and green eyes. I am a former college guidance counselor, a tennis player and avid jogger, a lady in the streets and a vixen between the sheets. My husband and I have been married for 30 years and quite frankly, our sex life has become stale, boring, almost non existent. We fuck maybe twice a month and quite frankly, he really just doesn’t do it for me anymore. Through the years of being a guidance counselor at the local university, I have developed quite a fondness for younger men and have spent quite a few afternoons in my office with ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %103 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: wendy52 2419 days ago | Categories: Mature, First Time
20 Years of Infidelity
Just over 20 years ago I was married to a great guy only 8 months after meeting him. I was 23 and he was 44. We met at work where I was a part-time office temp. My above average height and slender build caught his eye and he wasn't bad looking either. Some of the girls in the office told me he'd come sniffing around their skirts so I figured our relationship was purely sexual. I wasn't a virgin by any stretch of the imagination going into our relationship. Our sex was great and satisfying. He was born into money and had the means to wine and dine me like no other boyfriend had before. Surprised the hell out of me that he proposed marriage and I'm not sure to this day if I loved him then. Maybe it was the money, maybe because I was lonely, but I did know I had fun ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %188 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: cme2bleve 2552 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, Mature, First Time
My First Taste of Cock!
When my ex lover discovered that I enjoyed being fingered in my ass, One night she invited her e.x husband over without me knowing it. She and I started our freaky, fun sex thing and he was in another room. I noticed that our freaky fun was a little different tonight as she kept hinting around to me that watching me suck a cock would be one of the greatest gifts I could give her. She is 13yrs older than me and owned alot of sex toys and very serious! She handed me a big nice life like dildo and told me to suck it, for practice and to see how it would feel. So I did and she got real hot! She started lubing my asshole and stroking my dick. I had to admit that as she eased her finger in there and started rubbing my prostate that I was getting hot too! I actually ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %207 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: cockednready73 2649 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, Mature, First Time
While It Rained
There were three of them. Best friends since their early school years and still friends despite the trials and tribulations of adolescence, boyfriends, breaking up, and making up. They were all nineteen, with their birthdays within days of each other, something that had initially brought them together for joint parties and something that they'd always share. Suzy was a blonde, flamboyant and talkative, popular wherever she went, especially with men. Her sex appeal was of the more obvious type and men followed eagerly in her train. Fiona, a brunette, also a bit of a chatterbox. Gregarious by nature she was a natural fit to Suzy. Rene, another brunette, was the quiet one of the three. Suzy and Fiona had quickly come to understand and accept this, as well ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %163 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: evacheapsexcams 2739 days ago | Categories: First Time
Squash mit Babsy auf dem Court
Mit Babsy, meiner Kollegin aus der Buchhaltung, hatte ich schon häufig Squash gespielt. Danach noch zwei Saunagänge und ein Bier am Tresen – wir verstanden uns gut. Mehr war aber nicht. Bis zu diesem Abend in letzten November. Sie hatte Wert darauf gelegt, daß wir auf Court 3 spielen. Warum, wurde mir erst viel später klar. Ungewöhnlich war auch, daß sie in einem super kurzen Tennisrock erschien. Sonst trug sie immer Boxershorts. Das Spiel begann ganz normal. Wir schlugen ein paar Bälle, um uns warm zu machen, bevor wir um Punkte spielten. Kurz vor Ende des ersten Satzes, ich wollte gerade aufschlagen, bückte sich Babsy, um die Schnürsenkel neu zu binden. Das war ein Anblick: Sie stand da, die Knie durchgedrückt, die Beine etwas gespreizt und den ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %122 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2949 days ago | Categories: Interracial, First Time
Es war mal wieder einer dieser heißen Tage und der Schweiß glitzerte auf meiner heißen Haut. Ich lag, wie nun schon seit fast zwei Wochen jeden Tag, in der Sonne und versuchte ein wenig braun zu werden, was mir aber nur mit mäßigem Erfolg gelang. Ich ließ meine Gedanken schweifen. Plötzlich taucht ein Schatten vor meinem Gesicht auf, ich blinzelte durch meine Augen und sah in ein Gesicht wie aus Elfen-bein gemacht. Dann hörte ich eine sinnliche Stimme, die mich fragte: „Würdest du mir bitte meinen Rücken eincremen?“ Zaghaft nahm ich ihr die Flasche aus der Hand und bat sie sich auf das Handtuch zu legen. Langsam legte sie sich auf das Handtuch und wartete auf meine verführerischen Hände, die langsam an ihrem Körper hinunter glitten. Langsam öffnete ich die ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %89 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 2979 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, First Time
Geiler Dreier
Jana und Sabine, beide in den 30-ern, sind zwei aufregende Frauen. Sie haben so manchen „Sturm“ miteinander überstanden. Das kommende Wochende wollen sie in Ruhe miteinander verbringen. Sie wollen sich wieder auf dem Wochendgrundstück von Jana treffen. Wegen unterschiedlicher Arbeitszeiten vereinbarten sie getrennt mit dem Auto anzureisen. Keine weitere Person sollte von dem gemeinsamen Wochende wissen. Wie sich später herausstellte, konnte Sabine ihr Plappermäulchen nicht halten. Das Wetter war hervorragend. Es schien die Sonne und im Schatten waren es um die 20 Grad. Sabine war als erste auf dem Grundstück. Mit dem Zweitschlüssel verschaffte sie sich Zugang. Zunächst erledigte sie die Vorbereitungsarbeiten. Dann holte sie zwei Liegen aus dem ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %68 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: MICHELLEBI 3006 days ago | Categories: Hardcore, First Time
Yoga On Me
Yoga On Me: A lesson to remember The passion that we have for one another took over and the sex had my vagina pulsating. Jaden grabbed me around my waist and we leaned over to the side. “Yes baby, oh yes,” I screamed out. He was the greatest lover that I ever had and it was no secret that I was mesmerized by his dick. I absolutely couldn’t get enough of him. He stuck his tongue out while holding one of my legs. “Kiss me.” I moved closer to him in order to give him a wet tongue embrace. This man has the softest and sweetest lips that I have tasted. I’m glad Jaden gave my pussy some attention because she was starting to get jealous. Creaming all over his dick he moaned, “Oh yeah, that pussy is so wet.” My warm cum streamed down his rod making it real juicy. I ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %85 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: nevercumming 3049 days ago | Categories: Mature, First Time
Angelique's experience with cock sizes
My wife and I recently were talking about dick size. She said she didn't understand why guys were so hung up on size. "Size doesn't really matter" she said. I said, really guys weren't the ones hung up on the size of a damn cock, but it was the women who were fascinated with it. I said "the women not hung up on size are the one's that haven't had a really big dick yet." "What do you mean?" she said. I said, "Angelique if you ever had a bigger dick, you would probably go wild as shit." "I think you're big enough for me baby, she said." "Why do you think that black guys are bigger than white guys?" Sounding really intrigued. You must understand, my wife was extremely conservative. Just getting her ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %199 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: UNDERTAKER919 3789 days ago | Categories: Interracial, First Time
Hot Stories On Empty House Beautiful Image
Diana is one of the many beautiful girls occupants of this housing complex . That makes it so special from the others is because in addition to gorgeous she is also very friendly , he greeted everyone he met whether he knew or not . With a height of 160 cm , long hair moving faithfully follow his footsteps . To my knowledge , Diana worked at a bank of red tape in this country . Good nature , diligent , and friendly making it very loved by his friends . Already a morning ritual in the office , diana always greet all occupants ranging from OB to BOSS . This morning all of Diana 's life might soon change , as the morning sun shone so bright but still thick cloud blanketing the dense city of Jakarta . " Diana , where 's your car ? " asked a ... Read More»
Rating: , Votes: %65 | like or dislike | Add To Favourites | Published by: dumanqu 3946 days ago | Categories: First Time