Dharma Tramp: Kyle

Freya met Kyle hanging out on the corner of Castro and Market. They knew some of the same people, but Kyle sort of orbited the outskirts of Freya's group of friends. The woman was handsome and had a magnetic personality, if she were a bit on the quiet side. Freya had those same shy tendencies; she was just better at pushing them out of the way with booze or whatever chemicals happened to be around. In any case, Freya was sitting on the corner with her backpack when Kyle walked by. She was surprised when Kyle doubled back and squatted down next to her.

"Hey girl, do you have to be somewhere?" Kyle's long red hair covered most of her face; the lovely dyke looked so vulnerable peering through those locks at the young woman.

"Nope. What's up?" Freya looked at her companion in a new way. She'd never been close enough to note the delicate creases from years of smiles and frowns; these small details made her more attractive in the girl's eyes.

"Do you want to go to the park and help me with this bottle of whiskey?" Kyle opened her bag and gestured at the fifth of Jim Beam inside. It was cute, Freya thought, the way the question was asked of her - as though the booze would be more important to her than the woman extending the invitation. While Jim's warm amber lovin' might help their collective shyness, it was only a fringe benefit of the flattering invitation.

"Sure, I'd love to." Smiling, Freya stood. She dusted her bottom and shouldered her worn Army surplus pack, her sleeping bag bouncing against her butt as she did so.

Walking to the little park in the Mission, they fell into an easy stride. Occasionally their arms would lightly bump together and little shocks of excitement would run through Freya's body. She tried to will the blush from her fair cheeks, shaking her blue hair forward in an attempt to cover the inevitable flush as her nipples hardened. When Kyle's arm brushed hers again, she could feel herself growing moist. It occurred to her that she might have a hard time walking much further if she didn't get ahold of herself and took a deep breath. She became lost in thought, trying to conjure images of things less naughty than the increasing dampness between her legs. She largely failed, instead having to bite back moans as her mind flashed through images of the two women in various positions, holding and caressing one another. When she tried to walk across the street rather than turning to get to the park, Kyle gently took her hand and steered her in the right direction. The shudder of a tiny orgasm passed through her at that touch; she slowed her pace, softly squeezing Kyle's hand and hoping her labored breathing wasn't obvious.

If Kyle had noticed Freya's little moments of happiness, she was sweet enough not to indicate as much. She kept hold of Freya's hand until they got to a weathered picnic table. The older woman motioned for Freya to sit on the table itself; she did so and spread her legs so Kyle could sit between her feet. The redhead took the hint and slid herself onto the bench. She took the bottle out of her courier bag, rested it on Freya's thigh.

"Ladies first," Kyle said, winking.

"Lady, my ass," Freya replied, laughing. She took the bottle and uncapped it, took a sip. She was a whiskey girl - she didn't mind the taste or lack of chaser. Smiling at the warmth in her tummy and the hot lady sitting between her parted thighs, the blue-haired girl handed the bottle down. While Kyle sipped the brown liquid and smiled up at her, Freya began to get a bit nervous. She was suddenly very thankful for the booze.

"So, I have to ask," Freya spoke, her words slow and carefully chosen. "Were you specifically looking for me when you saw me?"

"Yep," Kyle laughed, "And when I found you, I almost didn't have the courage to talk to you."

"You're very sweet. I've been intrigued since the first time I saw you. I'm glad you found the courage, since I doubt I ever would have." Freya's cheeks pinked; she attempted to drown her insecurities with another pull from the bottle.

"Aww, honey. Keep talking like that and you're gonna melt this old dyke's heart." Kyle chuckled and the edges of her eyes crinkled as she took the bottle from the girl.

"I hope it wouldn't be a bad thing if I did," Freya purred in response. She couldn't help but grin at her companion; she really was a sweetheart.

"No, I can't say it would be a bad thing." Passing the bottle back, Kyle's fingers brushed the girl's. A jolt of energy ran through her body. Freya's eyes looking deep into hers, Kyle let her hand drop to rest on her companion's leg. Unthinking, her fingers did a slow dance along the stitches that held patches over holes in Freya's cargo pants.

The girl sighed, so lost in the pleasure of the moment that she forgot to be shy. She wanted Kyle to know how she made her feel. Hell, to be honest, she wished the older woman would throw her down on the table and make her scream. The girl looked down, peered through her blue bangs at the woman who'd brought her to orgasm minutes before by just holding her hand. This woman was special and Freya hoped she wouldn't be just another one-time fling. Of course, even if she were, that would be far better than if they'd never gotten around to sneaking off together. The girl took a swig from the bottle and then held it to Kyle's lips. The redhead smiled, tilting her head back so that Freya could fill her mouth with the liquor's warmth. After pouring what looked to be a shot, the girl brought the bottle upright and set it on the table next to her. Just as though she'd read Freya's mind, Kyle half stood and leaned forward. Her mouth still holding the whiskey, she rested her arms across the girl's shoulders and kissed her. As they grew bolder and more passionate, tiny rivulets of brown ran down their faces. Neither woman cared; it was hot. They were hot. Had they been somewhere more secluded, Freya was certain they'd be shedding clothing like it had suddenly gone completely out of style.

Instead, Freya reached down and cupped the other woman's breast. She played with it, first hefting it to feel its weight and then gently rubbing the nipple. Kyle moaned into Freya's mouth and bit down on the girl's tongue. Their kiss was wild and they'd all but forgotten that they were in public. It wasn't all that surprising when Pete walked up next to them and cleared his throat.

"Hey ladies. Having fun?" He plopped down on the bench and helped himself to a drink from the whiskey bottle.

They ignored him, lost in each other's caresses.

"Hello?" He kicked at Kyle's boot, just hard enough to secure her attention.

"What?" Kyle untangled herself from Freya, leaving one hand resting on the girl's shoulder. "We're kinda busy here."

"I got something for Freya. I can leave if she doesn't want it." That said, both women knew what he was talking about.

"You have great timing, Pete," Freya sighed.

"Hey, girl. I just walked down here from Castro. And I only did it to find where you'd disappeared so I could give this to you. A thank you would be nice."

"You're right. Thanks, buddy. You have to admit that your timing's off, though."

"Ok, whatever you say. Here's the goods."

Freya held her hand open. Pete dropped two small, brightly colored bundles onto her outstretched palm. Smiling, she curled her fingers around them and winked at him. He stood beside her; she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and then whispered in his ear.

"Now fuck off, sweetheart," she purred.

"You got it," the fellow laughed, walking back the way he'd come.

Freya smiled apologetically at Kyle; the redhead wasn't dwelling on the interruption, though she would have been happier if Pete hadn't shown up just then. At least he was someone they both knew. Freya leaned in to kiss Kyle on the cheek; she ended up licking the spilled booze from the woman's face as well. The redhead moaned, grabbing a handful of Freya's blue locks and tugging gently.

"Mmmm... Do you want to go somewhere a little more private and get high?" Freya whispered, rolling the small bundles across her palm.

"Whatcha got, li'l girl?" Kyle grinned, somewhere between sweet and lecherous.

"Opium - it's pretty good stuff, assuming it's from the same batch as what I've been getting all week."

"Twist my arm," Kyle laughed and stepped backwards over the bench. She took Freya's hand after the girl emptied its contents into her pocket.

The two walked back to Castro, hand in hand. They took their time, exchanging subtle touches and happy noises as they went. Occasionally, they'd duck into an alley to kiss or take a pull from the bottle of whiskey - its contents were dwindling fast and the women were full of warm fuzzies. Eventually they made it to the small park that very few people knew existed. Freya had slept there on occasion and it was one of the best kept secrets in town - not to mention quite safe. The girl took off her backpack, let it hit the ground. She detached the sleeping bag and laid it out atop the grass, then plopped down on top of it and held her hand out to Kyle. The older woman took Freya's hand and slid down next to her.

Freya needed her hands free to load her pipe, so she set Kyle's hand on her knee. She pulled a pouch of rolling tobacco out of her pocket, along with one of the little packets. She tore the tiny balloon open with her teeth and unwrapped the plastic that stuck to the ball of opium. The warmth of her hands made it melt slightly; trying not to get it everywhere, she split the ball in half with the tip of her pocket knife. While Kyle's hand roamed the landscape of the girl's leg, Freya put a pinch of tobacco in the pipe, followed by a small chunk of the tarry substance. She handed the pipe to Kyle.

"Do you have a lighter?" Freya looked embarrassed, still searching her pockets.

"Sure, honey." Kyle looked at the girl sitting next to her, seeming surprised that they'd ended up in such an intimate setting. She rummaged through her own pockets briefly, until she finally found a small plastic lighter. She held the tiny flame to the edge of the opium. Tendrils of smoke rose above her even after she'd moved the flame away. After inhaling until her lungs had been filled, Kyle held the smoke in and handed the pipe back to Freya.

The girl let her fingers linger on Kyle's as she took the pipe. Unconcerned with the fact that the opium was still smoking a bit, she leaned over and brushed her lips across the other woman's cheek. Kyle smiled and pulled Freya closer, fingers tangled in her blue hair. They kissed, Kyle exhaling while Freya inhaled the recycled smoke from her lungs. Freya took a long draw from the pipe, melting the rest of the opium in it. She crooked a finger at Kyle, beckoning her to come closer. When Kyle leaned forward, Freya grabbed the back of her neck and reeled the woman in for another kiss. They breathed from each other for a few moments, sharing breath and smoke. When they parted, Freya looked to Kyle with a smile on her face and lust in her eyes.

"C'mere, li'l one," Kyle grinned, leaning back on her elbows. Her legs were in front of her, one on either side of Freya.

"Yes ma'am!" Freya turned and crawled forward, coming to a stop at Kyle's crotch. She laid her head on the redhead's belly and curved her arms around Kyle's back.

Kyle played with Freya's hair, lazily running her fingers through the jungle of blue and occasionally scratching her scalp. Freya was in heaven but she wanted so badly to continue on her search for nirvana with that sexy lady. She snaked her hands up under the edge of Kyle's t-shirt, gently kneading the muscles there.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I gotta go soon." Kyle genuinely sounded like she wanted to stay, which made it harder for Freya to even think about letting go. People were always vanishing, some of them never returning. That was the problem with being a modern day hobo.

"I'll only let you go if you promise to come find me tomorrow," Freya smiled up at Kyle, hoping she wasn't pouring it on too thick. She didn't want to scare the other woman away.

"Of course I'll come find you. It might be kinda late though. You gonna be around here?"

"You can bet on it." Freya kissed Kyle's belly through her shirt and squeezed her briefly before letting go of her and sliding up the other woman's body for a final kiss.

* * *

Around 11:30 the next night, Freya was once more sitting on the corner of Castro and Market. She'd had nervous butterflies all day and night. She'd been there for a few hours. For a little while, Pete and Sean had stopped by to keep her company. Eventually they wandered off to get high, but Freya stayed put - she didn't want to make it hard for Kyle to find her. At one point another friend had wandered by and brought her a cup of coffee; she sipped it occasionally, chain smoking and reading a Kerouac book.

Freya wasn't really paying all that much attention to the book, to be perfectly honest. Every time she read a page, she'd drift off into reveries of Kyle - where they might go if they ever traveled together, what the other woman's hands would feel like freely roaming her body, what the pair would do if they went on a date. There was a little smile on her face that told the world she had a delicious secret.

Kyle walked up and interrupted Freya's drifting thoughts by putting a big brown paper bag down beside her. The sound of glass clinking together inside the sack made Freya look up. The woman standing in front of her, flaming red hair cascading down her arms and back, made Freya flash a toothy grin and put the book down. She hopped up and wrapped her arms around Kyle in a hug.

"You made it," Freya breathed into Kyle's hair.

"Did you doubt I would?" Kyle laughed, returning the girl's embrace.

"Nope. I'm just happy to see you."

"The feeling's mutual, kiddo." Kyle kissed Freya's cheek.

Freya sat back down after rearranging her sleeping bag. They were in the doorway of a store right on the corner; as long as the store was closed, no one would bother them. The bedroll was now spread out over the width of the stoop and Freya patted the spot next to her in invitation. After peeling off her jacket because it was so nice outside, Kyle sat and reached for the bag she'd brought.

"I didn't know what you like to drink, aside from whiskey," the redhead said as she pulled out a bottle. "So, I brought whiskey and the makings for White Russians. Your choice."

"White Russians sound heavenly." Freya's grin grew; Kyle was such a fucking sweetheart.

"You got it, doll." Kyle pulled out another bottle and turned around so she could mix drinks in the shelter of the dark doorway without her actions being too obvious. She hefted a bag of ice, tore the thin plastic open and tossed a handful of crushed ice into each of two plastic cups. Then the coffee liqueur and vodka were poured and stirrers added. Once everything was safely stowed away back in the paper sack, Kyle handed a drink to Freya and settled back against the wall with her own cup.

The women drank and talked for a while, smiling at each other flirtatiously and sometimes holding hands. Freya liked to run her fingers across the older woman's palm, tickling and teasing the soft flesh there. By the time they'd finished the last of the White Russians, it was nearing 1:30 in the morning. Their attraction was so clear that passersby, perfect strangers, would occasionally pause to look and smile at them.

"Can I keep you for a while?" Kyle ran her hand down the side of Freya's face as she spoke.

"Mmmm. Please." Freya whispered, loving how gentle Kyle's caresses were.

"Good. Come sit on my lap." Kyle winked at the girl, once more somewhere between sweet and lecherous.

Freya did as she was told, straddling the other woman and sitting on her lap. Their faces were only inches apart. Freya's arms draped over Kyle's shoulders, gently clasped behind her head. Kyle reached behind her and inside her tank top, unfastening the hooks of the girl's bra.

"You wanna take it off?" Kyle raised an eyebrow at Freya.

"Mmhmm," she breathed, lifting her arms from Kyle's shoulders so the other woman could slide the bra straps down over them. With that out of the way, Kyle reached inside the front of Freya's shirt to whisk away the bra. Freya sighed as the fabric moved, slipping out from under her breasts and making them bounce just a bit.

Kyle tossed the bra behind her and pinched one of Freya's nipples. God, that feels good. The girl moaned and rolled her shoulders back, pushing her breasts into Kyle's face. The redhead gnawed gently on the other nipple through the thin material of Freya's tank top, her free hand supporting the girl's lower back so she wouldn't go sprawling if she kept throwing her head back. The fingers on Freya's nipple pinched once more and then did a slow, teasing dance down across the girl's belly. Freya spread her legs wider, hinting at what she so desperately craved. Kyle's hand descended further, slipping under the waistband of Freya's gypsy-style skirt and then into her panties. Her fingers paused for a moment to pet the fuzz there before a slender finger ran down one side of Freya's pussy and back up the other. Kyle teased Freya's clit with little taps and strokes, coaxing it out of hiding. Once she knew she had the girl's undivided attention, Kyle dipped her finger into Freya's sex. She marveled at how slippery the girl already was.

"Damn, honey. You're ready for me, aren't you?"

"Yes... Yes. Oh, please. Yes," Freya panted as Kyle slid two fingers deep inside her. Kyle's thumb rested on the girl's clit.

The majority of their activities were hidden by the layers and waves of Freya's gauzy black skirt. Still, it wasn't hard to guess at what they were up to. Kyle worked her fingers, first fucking the girl wildly and then slowing down to tease her G-spot. While those fingers pumped, her thumb moved in slow circles over the girl's clit.

"Fuck yes! Oh god, please!" Freya screamed, forgetting to be at all mindful of the fact that they were in public, sitting right on a busy street corner.

"Please what, honey?" Kyle whispered, a hand tracing the lines of the muscles in Freya's back and shoulders.

"Please, let me cum. Make me cum..." Freya's words trailed off as Kyle worked faster, almost brutally stroking the two special spots at the girl's center.

All the while during their play, folks would walk by and pause to enjoy their exhibitionism. A few hollered at them, mostly encouragement. One couple screamed at them to get a room.

Freya thrust herself forward, her lips finding Kyle's. She nibbled on the other woman's lip, then plunged her tongue into the depths of Kyle's mouth. Her back was sprayed with cold droplets as it began raining and the wind blew sheets of water over them. They were such a hot, sweaty mass that the rain was welcome. It cooled them down, and they didn't slow one bit.

Gyrating to match Kyle's movements and help her along, Freya bounced on the woman's lap. She panted and moaned until her eyes rolled back in her head, sweet release washing over her. Kyle let up on Freya's clit and the ridge behind her belly, slowly stroking the girl's fuzzy mound as Freya wiggled in her hand. Still riding the waves of her orgasm, Freya was surprised to hear clapping behind her. She turned to see what was going on and found a stream of men in leather gear, drag, and BDSM outfits. A very few women were amongst them. The gay bars down off of Castro had let out and their audience was encouraging. Too exhausted just then to stand and curtsey, Freya did the next best thing. She turned back to her playmate and gave her a big, sloppy kiss.
"Thanks, lover," she whispered into Kyle's mouth.
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