A True Hotwife Confession

Hi, I write this as kind of an anniversary present to my husband.

Whenever he wants to “wind me up” he pulls up something from your site just before we go out – well, guess I really don't need much “winding”.

Brad and I have been married for 11 years. I am 37, blonde and still in good shape at 136 pounds.

About six years ago Brad started up with the idea that I should sleep around. I thought he was getting tired of things and was using it as a way to “meet” other women.

I was pretty upset at first and it took about six months of his “suggestions” before I decided to give it a try.

To begin with I wasn't keen on the idea of fucking strangers. I had “sampled” many men before I met and married Brad. To be honest, I had seen a very few guys after we were married. All by accident.

Never intended to have anyone else inside of me except Brad once we were married but there were some situations that just happened.

Once I agreed to “try it”, Brad couldn't wait. It's all he could talk about.

Guess if I could say anything, the frequency and the quality of our sex together jumped off the scale.
The day came, Brad presented me with a box of “clothes” to wear. Right out of a movie “slut on main street”.

He put a great deal of effort into the enterprise; short slip over dress, thigh high stockings to match and a sexy little thong.

Brad watched me as I sat on the bed sorting through the things he bought for me to wear. (Couldn't help but thinking how nice it would be if he put the same amount of thought into getting me presents for my birthdays?)

Anyway, he urged me to try everything on (it was early afternoon), he said “you have to try it on, I may need to get you something shorter”. I assured him that what he got was just short enough.

I felt the part, a true slut, or a hooker, don't know which.

I did a slow turn in front of him and he whistled. I said,' you'd better be serious about this because I will be “sexed” tonight in this outfit'.

He kissed me and we fucked for a long time; maybe the best in a while.

Later, it was time to get ready for the evenings adventure. I took a long shower and nursed a couple of vodkas down as I was fixing things. Brad was hovering the whole time and as I slipped my shoes on and stood before him for his approval , I asked again if he was serious.

The rock hard dick he was sporting gave it away.

The plan was to drive to the next town, a nice little restaurant/bar there where we weren't known. Brad dropped me off in front and I entered the bar as a single. Brad drove around or something for about an hour before walking in to the place.

By the time Brad got there, I'd had four or six dances with my “sex object” (think his name was Richard). He'd already done everything a guy can do to a gal on a dance floor without being arrested.

Brad sat not more than three bar stools away from me and as he collected his first drink, I looked into his eyes as my “date” slipped a couple of errant fingers into me..

I turned a little toward Brad, not losing eye contact, and relaxed my legs a bit more as Richard explored me. I kept my gaze on Brad. Knowing that he knew I was being used by another guy not five feet away.

Some time later as things were really getting hot I snuck another peek at my husband as fingers continued to invade me…. Brad silently mouthed “ go for it….call me”.

About an hour or so went by, another few dances, Richard told me to get my purse and he would take me next door – next door was the motel attached to the restaurant.

I looked at Brad over my shoulder as Richard led me out the door – I knew things were going to change… If I remember correctly, Brad “winked” – “call me”.

Well, I called him later, much later, the next day. By then, Richard had used me in so many ways I couldn't remember.

Brad picked me up in front of the place, drove me home and rushed me into the bedroom where he did his best to re-acquire his wife. At that point though, I just wanted him to cum in me so I could sleep for a while.

Weeks went on and as I became more comfortable with other guys, Brad even moved his clothes and stuff into the guest bedroom so as not to tip off my “guests” that I was married.

It must be said at this point, Brad is not a (cockhold) though he really enjoys fucking me after I have been out for the evening – or – of late been laid here in the house. He likes the inside of my thighs when they are sticky and I guess he likes my look when I come home late.

There have been many, many men in me since that first “experience”

Brad continues to buy clothes for me that will very soon land me in jail.

I have seven “regular” guys now. Some just want to meet me for a fuck. Some take me out for dinner first but in either case I never say “no”.

I know for certain our sex has never ever been better.

There's been several weeks where I have been laid every evening; Brad goes wild.

Well, here goes, this is where Brad is going to know it's me.

He has always been pressing, pressing, pressing. He set up a “gang rape” – he swears he didn't … but I know he did.

Took me to a kind of slummy bar, dressed in my slinkiest outfit.. you can probably picture it, several pool tables sleazy bar and smelling of smoke.

I wasn't comfortable walking in there but Brad insisted and by the time he walked in twenty minutes later I had already attracted a crowd.

I played a couple of pool games, always looking in Brad's direction to make sure he was there.

A couple of the guys were taking a “feel” now and then but nothing I couldn't shrug off.

One of the lads suggested we go out back for a joint and I went along, glancing at Brad as I went.

We didn't make the end of the hall way, I was pushed into the empty kitchen; my dress removed and quickly raped by the seven guys that were there. No way I could stop them. They just took their turn, each one. A couple twice. Laughing. When they were done, they left.

My stockings were in shreads and my dress was ruined. I just laid there, cum everywhere, sobbing. One of the pricks even stole my thong; didn't find it anyway.

Brad came in and found me some time after they all left. To this day I think he set it up. He says he had nothing to do with it but I don't think that six guys just decided all of a sudden to do that to me without some planning involved.

While he apologized etc, etc I think it was his doing; they had me in the kitchen almost an hour; my voyeur husband would not have just sat at the bar and sipped his drink – he would have tried to see what was going on as soon as I walked down the hallway

Our extramarital “adventures” slowed way down after that. I think I lost some trust in Brad, guess I'll get over it.

I did keep on seeing my regular guys so I was never more than a day or so between “encounters”, keeping me quite satiated and Brad happy.

Here's where “Brad” is going to know it's me.

I work at a car dealer as the accountant. Part of my job is to do end of month inventory of parts etc.

The end of September I went to work on a Saturday to finish up the inventory for month end.

I did have on some shorts and a tee shirt but nothing provocative at all. I think I had sneakers on.

As I went through the aisles checking numbers and quantities, Greg (the parts guy) took every opportunity to rub against me.

We were joking around all morning. I was on the ladder when Greg slipped his hand up my leg saying “careful, don't fall”.

Guess I was just in the mood that morning I did nothing to stop him and we ended up in the manager's office on the couch.

I really, really enjoyed him. He took his time and was very gentle. I liked the way he kissed and he knew all the right spots to heat me up.

I very seldom get to climax the first time with a guy – sometimes, but not often. With Greg I came almost as soon as he started fingering me.

An added plus, I get really turned on by a guy that just loads me up with cum. He was excellent. He pumped a huge amount into me before he was done.

I was still on the couch enjoying the after glow as Greg was getting his shirt back on when Rick (one of the four mechanics that work on Saturdays) walked in saying something like “ must be game day?” He stood next to me on the couch and dropped his pants to the floor.

I didn't say anything to him and certainly didn't do anything to dissuade him as he positioned himself between my legs and pushed his cock into me.

All the while Rick was fucking me I looked past him to Greg standing not four feet from us taking in the scene. Not the sexiest way to be taken I suppose, but for an impromptu thing, it was just fine.

Since then, I haven't missed on Saturday morning at the shop. No one else has missed a day either; I think I've done a lot for Saturday attendance.

The manager soon found out about Saturdays and he became part of the morning thing as well … after all, it's his couch.

During the week it's business as usual. No one has tried or said anything out of place but Saturdays, the place turns into a hot spot. I just love that couch

Sometimes it's just a couple of guys, most times it's more like four or more. Not all at once, more one after another, very smooth and very nice.

It's my naughty girl day. Saturdays became a habit.

Brad knows I see someone at the shop on Saturdays. He has radar I think. He can tell when I've been laid… must be my rosey cheeks.

What he doesn't know, at least until he reads this, is just how many “someones” there are.

I think I didn't tell him all the details as my little way of revenge for the kitchen incident.

Well, he knows now.

Brad, you worked hard at making me a slut. You succeeded very well and I love you for it. I hope you always want me to be your horny slut. You have gotten me addicted to dick.
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